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Masters iCart One - 3 Wheel Trolley

Masters iCart One - 3 Wheel Trolley
Masters iCart One - 3 Wheel Trolley Masters iCart One - 3 Wheel Trolley
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The iCart One is designed to provide golfers with ultimate convenience and functionality on the course. With its one-click mechanism, this push cart can collapse and open effortlessly, making it incredibly easy to use.

Despite its lightweight and quick-folding design, the iCart One offers excellent stability and maneuverability when in use, thanks to its wide trolley base. This ensures that golfers can navigate the course with ease and confidence.

One of the standout features of the iCart One is its universal umbrella attachment, which allows golfers to easily attach an umbrella for protection from the elements. This ensures that golfers can stay dry and comfortable during inclement weather conditions.

Additionally, the iCart One is designed for ease of transport. Weighing just 7.35kg and folding down to a compact size of 80cm x 32.5cm x 43.5cm, it is the perfect travel companion for golfers on the go. Whether you're heading to the course or traveling to your next golfing destination, the iCart One is easy to transport and store.

The push cart also features adjustable handles and straps, making it suitable for golfers of all heights. The main handle console includes a universal umbrella holder, providing added convenience and functionality.

Overall, the iCart One is a feature-rich and versatile push cart that offers golfers the perfect balance of convenience, functionality, and performance on the course. Whether you're a casual golfer or a seasoned pro, the iCart One is sure to enhance your golfing experience.