How YOU can develop ultimate concentration, and start playing the golf you want to play.

Learn the skills taught by the mental coaches to the pros, and start enjoying your golf, and playing to your potential!Mindfocus for Golf Ultimate Concentration WorkbookFinally… a step by step workbook for amateur golfers who want to play a round without negative thoughts affecting their game.If you are a golfer who comes off the golf course at the end of the day, cursing their inability to focus on one shot at a time, unable to get bad shots out of your mind, and not playing the golf you know you are capable of then this is for you.Mindfocus Limited has developed some leading edge products to help golfers improve their game by applying proven mental skills taught by qualified sport psychologists on the Tour, and in other sports, all around the world.These products have been developed as a direct response of talking to amateur golfers about their performance. Some of the issues they raise may sound familiar to you…

• “I get distracted by my negative, vocal playing partner”

• “I find it difficult to focus on my own game when I am well ahead in a match, and often find my opponent slowly coming back into contention when I should have won the game convincingly”

• “When I play a poor shot, I find it difficult to forgive myself, and spend the next 10-20 minutes beating myself up about the shot, which usually results in further poor shots, because my concentration is elsewhere”

• “When playing a good front nine, I often find myself thinking of the outcome of the round, even though I am only on the 10th or 11th tee. All too often this results in a poor back nine score – usually because I wasn’t thinking about the shot at hand”

Over the past 20 years, sport psychologists have been using proven mental skills with their clients: professional golfers who pay significant amounts of money to learn how to free their mind of past mistakes and future outcomes, and focus only on the shot at hand. By focusing on the shot, they are able to play much more consistently, as any negative voices are put out of their mind, and enable the golfer to trust his swing, resulting in better performance on the golf course.

But what about the amateur golfer? Don’t they deserve to apply the skills that these sport psychologists are teaching?

The problem is that the one-to-one coaching sessions are usually out of reach of the average amateur golfer, due to the cost, and they have less time than the pros to spend on their game. For the past few years, amateur golfers have only had access to books and audio CDs in order to understand these skills.

The skills being used by qualified sport psychologists have been tried and tested in both the research laboratory and out on the golf course with their clients. The only reason you may not be aware of these skills is because you haven’t been able to find a resource that was readily available and one that took you step by step through the different skills to help improve your game.

Mindfocus has attempted to provide you with the precise information you need to understand, practice and then apply mental skills that have been proven to improve your golf. You do not need to be an aspiring professional or a single-handicapper to benefit from the content of this Workbook – indeed many golfers who are using Mindfocus for Golf products are a variety of ages, and handicaps ranging from scratch to 29.

Even if you are a social golfer, and simply want to enjoy your golf more by taking the frustration out of your game, then you should seriously consider this Workbook.

As a result of using the Mindfocus for Golf Ultimate Concentration Workbook, you will…
• learn to play one shot at a time
• stop dwelling on poor shots that had previously affected the rest of your round
• find yourself being unfazed by situations occurring which are out of your control, such as a vocal playing partner
• focus less on the outcome of the game, but instead focus on how you are going to hit your next shot
• drop less shots during your round because you are consistently able to switch off negative thoughts that would otherwise preoccupy your mind

Read below to discover what golfers have said about the Concentration Workbook:

“Found it to be very, very useful – a great addition to the website.” Andrew Norrby, 2 Handicap.

“I have read the ebook and put some of the ideas in to practice with good
results. Not lost a matchplay (under handicap) since using the techniques from the book.” Michael May, 23 Handicap.

“I have read some of the book on Friday night – played on Saturday morning, shot 39 points with just one bad shot, finishing 3rd in the competition! The book helped me focus so much. Can’t wait read it all. This time next year I could be on the tour(I wish!). Thanks – look forward to future books.” Stuart Mellish, 8 Handicap.

“Hi Simon, hope you had an enjoyable holiday, I have reviewed your book and I think it is excellent, Why, because the methods you employ really work. I am the proverbial sceptic but I thought I’d give it a try. Since applying your methods I have dropped two shots from my handicap had numerous placings in competitions, and become the Seniors Champion at my club, all this from a chap who thought he didn’t have it in him!! I particularly like the thought stopping process, your mind will always be thinking of something, might as well be the right things!” Ian North, 16 Handicap.

The Mindfocus for Golf Concentration Workbook includes:
An easy-to-understand section on why we lose concentration, and what happens when we do. This will ensure that the golfer following the Workbook will become more astute, knowing just what to do when they become aware of their concentration wavering.
Step-by-step description of the different mental skills that golfers can learn to maintain their focus for the entire round. For example:
• identify the source of your distractions, using thought logs and other techniques
• block negative or unhelpful thoughts using thought stopping
• develop a more mentally-based pre-shot routine
• become immune to stressful or distracting situations (such as vocal, negative partners) using simulation training
• stay focused throughout your round using the self-talk technique
• maintain your concentration at vital moments during your round using attentional cues

Simple exercises designed to improve your ability in each of the mental skills taught in the Workbook.

Simple templates that can be completed to formulate, for example, your ideal pre-shot routine. It also includes detailed examples to help you complete them.